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Major developments which will transform parts of Tameside given thumbs up

Two major developments will completely transform two areas of Tameside after being given the green light by the planning panel.

Dozens of new homes are set to be built in Droylsden and Stalybridge following the approval of two separate applications at the meeting on February 14 in Guardsman Tony Downes House. The huge employment site of Seamark PLC in Droylsden will be demolished and replaced by 143 new homes – despite concerns from residents across the river from the Edge Lane site.

Over in Stalybridge, there was excitement for the 78 homes proposed for the area.

The two apartment block plan would bring with it the reopening of the riverside walk in the town centre as well as a new public realm with shops and cafes for locals to enjoy.

Below is each major application discussed and decided on by Tameside Council’s planning panel:

Old clinic site in Stalybridge to become a new town centre hub

A development that will transform the centre of Stalybridge has been given the go-ahead. 

Proposals for the makeover of the former Stalybridge clinic into 78 new apartments have been approved. 

The councillors present at the meeting in Droylsden were excited to see the plans for the two tower blocks off Stamford Street.

The plans to reopen the riverside walkway and the opening of new shops and restaurants at the base of the two blocks garnered praise from the committee, who nodded along as Philip Millson of the Millson Group credited the proposal as a possible new hub for the town centre.

The representative from the Millson group, the architect behind the plans, said: “The owners are local residents and local employers and are committed to the regeneration of the town. This will provide much needed homes with accommodation of a wide range. 

“This is possibly the only opportunity to open up the riverside area. There will be a completely new area for people to dine and relax in the town centre.”

He added that the application put forward by Gerard McDermott would bring with it 50 new full-time jobs, 25 more indirect jobs as well as 190 new people to the area. Their estimates believe these new residents would contribute £3.25m per year to the local economy.

Cllr Adrian Pearce said: “I want to show my support for the scheme which would make a valuable contribution to the redevelopment of Stalybridge. This puts a marker down for future developments, not just for Stalybridge but Tameside, as a standard to meet.”

The site bounded by Old Street would be split into two apartment blocks, one containing 54 apartments and the other containing 24. Each block would have under-croft parking and provide units on the ground floor which would be for "independent coffee shops for local use and to encourage tourism and local night time economy".

The main building, which dates back to the 1960s, was occupied by Stalybridge Clinic until it moved onto Waterloo Road in 2004.

Transformation of Seamark PLC factory in Droylsden – APPROVED

Droylsden will welcome 143 new homes at the site of Seamark PLC, despite objectors making their voices heard.

The Edge Lane site is currently home to the seafood processing company who want to demolish their employment buildings and replace them with a mix of apartment blocks and homes. The site currently forms part of the cold stores and processing units in connection with Seamark PLC. 

It is over 6.5 acres and has been owned and used by the company since 1997. Their new base would remain in east Manchester at a different location.

Danielle Atkin, who was representing residents who live opposite the river from the proposed development, believes her neighbours’ homes and her home would be overshadowed, with increased noise levels and see a loss of privacy. She added that the lack of parking provision within the scheme (50 per cent for the apartment blocks) showed signs of overdevelopment.

“There are major shortcomings on the site design which I have highlighted here today,” she concluded.

Despite this, her concerns did not do enough to stop the planning panel refusing the opposition. 

Rachel Glover-White, representing NJL Consulting on behalf of the applicant, said that they have made reductions in terms of the height of the blocks and the number of homes by redesigning the whole site already. 

The scale of the development has already been reduced by the applicants with the old plan actually proposing 225 homes. The maximum height of the apartment blocks has also been reduced from six to four.

Plans to use the new homes for retirement living were also scrapped following concerns raised in consultation.

Demolition of old Malbern Industrial Estate and creation of a new one – APPROVED

The current Malbern Industrial Estate will be demolished and replaced with two new industrial blocks.

The two blocks of units to be used for "light industrial, general industrial and storage and distribution purposes", Hartford Homes’ application stated. The two blocks will be split, with eight units in one and three in the other.

A total of 64 car parking spaces are proposed within the yard area, which would be accessed off Holland Street West.

Planning documents suggest that the current employment site, which is home to multiple different businesses, is "poor quality". The idea behind the plan is to create a building with “modern units to ensure that Malbern Industrial Estate remains competitive in the premises it offers”.

Four-home plan creates a stink on quiet Hyde street – REFUSED

The plan for four semi-detached homes on an overgrown piece of land in Hyde has been refused.

The proposal for Berkeley Crescent was called in by Cllr Phil Chadwick over concerns regarding parking and the loss of green space in the area. Alison Shaw, an objector representing the street’s residents, also added that the space was special to the locals and this space was simply too small for the plans.

The proposals put forward by Mr Daniel Armitage were subjected to 33 objections which state the development is not in character with the area, would lead to loss of wildlife and green space, as well as being deemed as overdevelopment.

The officer’s report stated in its recommendation for refusal: “The site functions as a valued area of open space within the local urban environment, it has a significant amenity value and contributes positively to local character and the overall local environmental quality.”

The panel agreed with these recommendations from officers.

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