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Ashton playing fields seek new staff members

Friends of King George V Playing Fields (FoKGVPF) are seeking help in the Ashton-based park.

Set up 12 years ago with the aim of improving the park, the group has carried out many projects, such as installing a keep-fit path with outdoor gym equipment, planting lots of trees and flowers, creating an apple orchard, erecting an outdoor stage for shows and opening the Georgie Porgies Cafe. 

After serving for 12 years at Georgie Porgies, Molly Dean has retired due to health issues and the cafe has temporarily closed so FoKGVPF are now on the lookout for a new volunteer Cafe Manager.

The role involves getting the provisions for the cafe, counting the money and running the rota dates for opening.

The group are also seeking additional chefs to prepare burgers, servers to assist with food preparation and handle transactions.

Furthermore, essential roles such as dishwashing and cleaning are needed, which can potentially be combined into one position.

In the park, a Horticultural Team plant flowers and trees and look after the apple orchard as well as removing weeds to maintain the park's appearance.

The Event Team help with events and shows held on the outdoor stage, which boasts stone seating. The "Rubbish Pool Club" meet in the park every second Tuesday of the month at 7pm to play pool and pick litter.

Chairman Alan Fish was presented with a Golden Litter Picker for the most litter picked.

The group said: "If you would like to volunteer with any of these teams to get our Green flag and our In Bloom Award, we need your help."

Contact alan.fish.161te@gmail.com or 07931765120 or goto www.fokgvpf.co.uk for further information.

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