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Oldham police make three arrests in crackdown on family gold thefts

Family Gold Patrols, Oldham’s Neighbourhood Crime Team

Oldham’s Neighbourhood Crime Team have made three arrests following a number of simultaneous strikes yesterday morning, March 27, in the Coppice and Limeside areas of Oldham following an investigation into family gold thefts and burglaries in which motor vehicles were stolen.

Three males aged between 17 and 18 were arrested on suspicion of conspiracy to commit burglary and have been taken into custody to be questioned.

Upon search of the property during the warrant, no family gold was located, but receipts for jewellers in a neighbouring area of the force were found and enquiries continue into these to determine if there is a connection to the recent burglaries.

Superintendent Phil Hutchinson of GMP’s Oldham district, said: “This is a huge step in our efforts to reduce family gold burglaries in Oldham.

“We continue to conduct proactive and dedicated patrols with our neighbourhood officers in hotspot areas in Oldham and remain committed to providing people with crime prevention advice to keep their homes safe.

“Although no family gold was seized from the address this morning, we have a number of lines of enquiry that are being investigated.

“We want to take this opportunity to remind jewellers to be mindful, ask questions about where the gold originates from, and do thorough checks with those who wish to buy or sell jewellery.

“We understand the impact on people who have fallen victim to burglary is immense; it is an attack on you and your home, and we are working hard to reduce incidents of burglary in our communities.

“Please contact us if you see anyone acting suspiciously in your area or if you know anything about burglary and the subsequent sale of stolen goods."

Further crime prevention advice can be found here: Crime prevention advice | Greater Manchester Police (gmp.police.uk)


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