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U Turn on plans to close Pure Vibes Centre in Whitfield

Plans to close Pure Vibes Centre in Glossop were sent out “in error”, Derbyshire County Council confirmed. 

An initial email was sent out to numerous people informing them that the centre (which is used by many community groups such as food banks, sport clubs and youth clubs) would be closed by 30th August and their equipment and belongings would need to be removed by this date however, it has now been said that this is not the case. 

The future of Whitfield’s Pure Vibes Centre is set to be decided within the next few months. 

A spokesperson for Derbyshire County Council said: “On Friday 31st May, the county council informed a number of community groups in the Whitfield area of our intention to close the Pure Vibes Youth and Community Centre and sell the building. In doing so, the groups were notified that their seasonal bookings needed to cease and any items would need to be recovered from the building by 30th August.

“Following the receipt of a number of complaints, we have investigated this matter and we wish to confirm that the email was sent out in error and we apologise profusely for the upset caused to any of the groups using the facility.”

“While we can confirm that we are currently considering the long term future of the building, due to the very high running costs and minimal levels of income from bookings, no decisions have yet been taken and there is still a proper process to go through. This would normally include consultation with the local County Councillors and ultimately a Cabinet Member decision and as yet, this process has not been undertaken. The correspondence issued on 31st May had therefore “jumped the gun”.

“Once again we wish to apologise to those groups affected and can confirm that they are welcome to continue using the building until such time as we make a final decision over its future, which is likely to be in the next few months.”

Councillor Alex Dale, Cabinet Member for Children’s Services added: “I’d like to thank Robert for raising this issue with us and highlighting the concerns of his constituents. The email sent to the community groups on 31st May was sent in error and did not follow the usual process we would go through in these scenarios.”

“We’re extremely sorry for any upset caused. The Council is reviewing the long term future of the building but as yet no final decisions have been taken.”

“I am pleased that the Council have now agreed to my request that all the community groups can continue to use the Pure Vibes Centre."


Conservative candidate Robert Largan said: “I am pleased that the Council have now agreed to my request that all the communtiy groups can continue to use the Pure Vibes Centre. I will continue to stand up for the people of Whitefield and work with residents and the Council to safeguard the future of the centre.”


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