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Remembrance Sunday 2022: Glossop pays its respects

The recorded chimes of Big Ben rang out over a Norfolk Square bathed in sunshine on Remembrance Sunday as Glossopdale paid tribute to its local heroes.

With the Glossop town hall clock still out of action, the famous old London timepiece struck 11 times at 11am, exactly when the First World War guns fell silent in 1918.

With temperatures touching 15 degrees, crowds reaching the high hundreds packed the square for a service that has changed very little for more than 100 years.

The parade, which made the short journey from the market ground, seemed bigger than ever.

Remembrance Sunday parade and service in Glossop 2022 (39)

Marching behind the standards of Glossop Royal British Legion to the rousing music of Glossop Band were the young soldiers of the local Army Cadet force, Scouts and Guides in their bright colourful uniforms.

They were joined by war veterans, civic leaders, High Peak MP Robert Largan and members of local organisations.

The service was led by Father Norman Shaw and Father Martyn Sylvester and in keeping with all such ceremonies there were prayers, praise and sentiments of thanksgiving for British and Commonwealth servicemen and women killed or badly  injured in two world wars and other conflicts.

And again there were hopes for peace around the world.

Wreaths of crimson poppies and small wooden crosses were laid on the steps fronting the memorial, its sides carrying metal tablets engraved with the names of Glossop soldiers, sailors and airmen who made the ultimate sacrifice in two world wars.

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