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Glossop author's first book becomes best-seller on Amazon

Madison Day is an author and public speaker on Munchausen by proxy and childhood trauma. Her first release, Despite It All, is a true story of trauma and triumph, and has since gone onto the Amazon best sellers list.

In the 300-page memoir, Madison, who has already started writing her second book, looks back on the difficulties she faced growing up, and how she survived it.

“It’s about childhood trauma in general, but very specifically, it’s about kind of surviving a childhood of living with a mother with Munchausen by proxy,” she said.

Munchausen syndrome by proxy, also known as fabricated or induced illness (FII), is a mental illness and a form of child abuse where the caretaker of a child either makes up, fakes or causes symptoms to make it look like a child is sick. 

As Madison points out, the story is not just about what happened to her. “It’s actually the story of me and my brother who kind of survived that childhood together," she explained. "I’m trying to raise awareness of Munchausen by proxy.”

Despite It All is currently available to buy in America, Canada, Australia, Spain, France. Since it was published in November, Madison has become one of Amazon’s best-selling authors.

Madison said: "I can honestly say that I am overwhelmed by the success of my book. Writing my story meant revisiting the darkest corners of my mind which I had closed the doors on, in order to move on, to survive. I suppose the book was my therapy. A place where I could lay my life out as a means of processing it.

She also said that the success of her book has been a humbling experience. "Little did I know the impact that this story would have on others. The connections that we share, whether that be childhood trauma, dysfunctional adult relationships, loss, or survival against all odds, my book has touched people in a way I never thought possible and for that I am truly humbled." 

"The feedback that I have received globally on Amazon has blown me away."

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