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Some High Peak residents to receive Cold Weather Payments

Some High Peak residents will receive Cold Weather Payments as a result of the freezing temperatures over the last few days. 

They have been trigged for eligible people living in the SK13, SK17, SK22, SK23 and S33 postcodes for the period of 5 to 11 February. 

Those eligible will receive £25 for each seven-day period where the temperature is at or below zero degrees celsius. 

People may receive them if they get Pension Credit, Income Support, income-based Jobseeker’s Allowance, income-related Employment and Support Allowance, Universal Credit and Support for Mortgage Interest. 

Find out more about eligibility here: https://www.gov.uk/cold-weather-payment/eligibility

People don't need to apply as the payments should be made automatically. 

People who don't receive a payment when they think they should are urged to contact their local pension centre or job centre, or if you are on Universal Credit, call the helpline on 0800 328 5644.

High Peak MP Robert Largan commented: “No-one should struggle to afford to keep their home at a reasonable temperature in a modern society.

"If you think you should receive a payment and don’t, get in touch with me and I'll try my best to help.”

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