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Glossop dog trainer's warning over 'lockdown pups'

A Glossop woman who runs a dog training school says some people who bought a 'lockdown puppy' to help them through the pandemic are now wanting to re-home them.

Nicola Davies from Bexley Close, said: “I got a lockdown puppy - and I’m in very good company!

“According to research, over two million people welcomed new pets to their homes, and 70 per cent of these were dogs.

“Last summer dog rescue organisations like the Dog Trust worried that the result of the surge in dog ownership during lockdown conditions and while people were furloughed would result in many more thousands of dogs and puppies being re-homed when owners returned to work and didn’t have enough time for their new puppies, or when they realised how much work was needed.

“Sadly their predictions are turning out to be true. 

“In the last three months the Dogs Trust has had 1,800 phone calls from people looking to give up their dogs under the age of one.”

Nicola, who is in business as the Contented Canine Training School and The Puppy Nanny, says she bought her lockdown puppy Pippi from a breeder and its doing fine.

She said: “When I picked up Pippi I had big plans for our training. 

“I immediately booked her in two weekly socialisation sessions. I booked her into my Perfect Puppy Course and I also booked her into another course that I could take her to with a trainer I know.

“I had planned trips to dog friendly pubs, weekends away in Scotland, and visits to friends and family, all in the name of training and socialisation.

“Then the pre-Christmas lockdown happened and my plans were useless.

“New puppy owners have more time on their hands than ever before and aren’t having to leave their precious puppies at home alone for long periods of time, but that doesn’t mean raising a puppy is ever easy. 

“New owners often don’t realise how hard it is juggling a new puppy with working at home, and then added into that for families with children, home schooling!

“Research has proven that puppy training has long lasting positive effects right into adulthood, as they grow up to be less stressed and better behaved.

“So how have I resolved my lockdown puppy training problem? Well I’ve carried on training her of course,” she added.

“We do video classes at least once per week, and I take what we learn in class out and about and practice it on our walks. And it works well!

“Pippi, along with four other puppies, were my first graduates of 2021.”

For more details of Nicola’s classes, visit http://mailchi.mp/contentedcaninestraining/freepuppywebinar

Main image:

TRAINING: Nicola and son Thomas with lockdown puppy Pippi. 

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